Hello, lads
Hope you're all doing well and great, drinking water and resting and whatnot
I'm just going to make this update journal to let ya'll know I'm going to be inactive as the third year of animation course rolled in and we got a lot of work on the first week already. So far I come back home incapable of doing much due to huge fatigue, can't even do a simple task without chugging energy drinks lmao and because of that I doubt I'll draw much for myself
I'm not sure for how long this inactivity will last, and don't even know if by any chance after I'll write this journal there'll be a new drawing next week. It's hard to tell! But as for now what I'm seeing; will focus on college, get it all done and then hopefully come back in one piece and make new 'toons and whatnot.
I'd want to honestly alongside uni work on other animations I have that are collecting dust in my folders, but we'll see how that goes. I mean, it's much easier for me to draw a few frames once in awhile than sit down and try to come up with a brand new drawing each week.
So yeah, nuclear-smash is officially focusing on important things for once!